Phyton, Inc
Phyton has 10+ years experience in designing and supplying high-performance development tools for embedded microcontrollers used by electronic engineers and programmers in the industrial control, communications, computer, consumer electronic industries. Our development tools support the 8- and 16-bit embedded microcontrollers of semiconductor industry leaders.
8051 microcontrollers
The new PICE-52 model provides all major functions of the old model yet supports many more 8051 derivatives, thus offering developers more features. However, a few 8051 derivatives from Dallas Semiconductor and Philips are supported by PICE-51 only.
- Project-52
- - IDE - Includes new in-circuit emulator PICE-52.
- PICE-52
- - Emulator - Enhanced technology... More features.,. Much faster... Larger memory... Supports many more 8051 microcontrollers.
- Project-51
- - IDE - Long-term support for sold systems.
- PICE-51
- - Emulator - Supports a limited number of targets.
PICmicro microcontrollers
Phyton offers a complete development tool solution for virtually all PICmicro microcontrollers produced by Microchip Technology and their clones. This is a tool set that includes hardware and software tools for developing applications based on the PIC microcontrollers under control of one integrated development environment (IDE). You can select only those tools you need and order the Project-MC configuration that fits your needs and your budget. A full package includes PASM-MC macro assembler, PDS-MC software debugger/simulator, PICE-MC in-circuit emulator and ChipProg+ universal programmer integrated under control of the Project-MC IDE. The IDE with an embedded editor, project manager and PASM-MC macro assembler is a common part of either Project package. This tool set provides a complete development cycle, from editing source texts, to getting debugged code, and "burning" it into a target microcontroller or memory device. Popular third parties' compilers can also be bundled with the Phyton's tools.
Sensory RSC4x microcontrollers
The only complete HW/SW toolset for the RSC4x speech chip in the market. Phyton is the only company in the market offering a complete development tool solution for the RSC-4x family of speech-recognition and synthesis microcontrollers produced by Sensory, Inc. This is a set of hardware and software tools for developing applications based on the RSC-4x microcontrollers produced by Sensory, Inc. under control of one integrated development environment (IDE). A full package includes MCA-SE macro assembler, PDS-SE software debugger/simulator, MCC-SE C compiler and PICE-SE in-circuit emulator integrated under control of the IDE. The ChipProg+ universal programmer can also be hooked up to the IDE, so this tool set provides a complete development cycle, from editing source texts, to getting debugged code, and "burning" it into a memory device. The tool kit shown inside the "Project-SE IDE" green box is a public domain product that can be downloaded at no charge from this website.
80196 Miicrocontrollers
Phyton is the only company in the market offering complete software / hardware tool solution for the Intel MCS-96 architecture* and UT80C196KD** microcontrollers - Project-96. This is a tool set that includes hardware and software tools for developing applications based on the 80196 microcontrollers under control of one integrated development environment (IDE). You can select only those tools that you need and order the Project-96 configuration that fits your needs and your budget. A full tool set includes the MCA-96 macro assembler, MCC-96 C compiler, PDS-96 software debugger/simulator, PICE-196 in-circuit emulator and ChipProg+ universal programmer integrated under control of the Project-96 IDE. The IDE with an embedded editor, project manager and MCA-96 macro assembler is a common part of either Project package. This tool set provides a full development cycle, from editing source texts, to getting debugged code, and "burning" it into a target microcontroller or memory device. Phyton is a really one-stop-tool-shop for the 80C196 users! Selected third parties' compilers can also be bundled with the Phyton's tools.